API V2 Using an API, you can integrate your website for social media promotion services

• Using an API, you can integrate your website for social media promotion services.

• API works on the principle of GET/POST requests to https://boost-promote.com/api/v2/

• The response is returned in JSON format.

• User authorization is done through a token. You can get a token in the settings.

- Example request:


- Example response:

        "category" => "Instagram likes",
        "service" => "14",
        "name" => "Likes - 10К ⚡️",
        "rate" => "3.00",
        "min" => "10",
        "max" => "10000",
        "soc" => "instagram",
        "type" => "likes"

- The method returns an array of objects containing the following fields:

Field Value
category Category name
service Service ID
name Service name
rate Price per thousand executions
min Minimum quantity for order
max Maximum quantity for order
soc Social network:
• instagram
• vk
• telegram
• youtube
• other
type Service type:
• followers
• friends
• likes
• views
• comments
• auto
• other
error Error description in case of an unsuccessful request

- Example request:


- Example response:

  "balance": "9999.99",
  "currency": EUR 

- The method returns an object containing the following fields:

Field Value
balance Current balance
currency Currency
error Error description in case of an unsuccessful request

- Example request:


- Example response:

  "order": "123"

- The method returns an object containing the following fields:

Field Value
order ID of the created order
error Error description in case of an unsuccessful request

- Example request:


- Example response:

    "charge": "0.3",
    "currency": EUR,
    "service": "1",
    "link": "https://instagram.com/instagram",
    "quantity": "100",
    "start_count": "0",
    "date": "23:06:26 27.04.2022",
    "status": "In progress",
    "remains": "100"

- The method returns an object containing the following fields:

Field Value
charge Money spent on the order
currency Currency
service Service ID
link Link specified when creating the order
quantity Ordered quantity
start_count Quantity at the time of order activation
date Order creation date
status Order status:
• In progress
• Partial
• Pending
• Completed
• Canceled
remains Remaining quantity
error Error description in case of an unsuccessful request

- Example request:


- Example response:

    "123": {
        "charge": "0.3",
        "currency": EUR,
        "service": "1",
        "link": "https://instagram.com/instagram",
        "quantity": "100",
        "start_count": "0",
        "date": "23:06:26 27.04.2022",
        "status": "In progress",
        "remains": "100"
    "124": {
        "error": "not found"
    "125": {
        "charge": "0.6",
        "currency": EUR,
        "service": "1",
        "link": "https://instagram.com/instagram",
        "quantity": "200",
        "start_count": "0",
        "date": "23:10:35 27.04.2022",
        "status": "In progress",
        "remains": "200"

- The method returns an array of objects containing the following fields:

Field Value
charge Money spent on the order
currency Currency
service Service ID
link Link specified when creating the order
quantity Ordered quantity
start_count Quantity at the time of order activation
date Order creation date
status Order status:
• In progress
• Partial
• Pending
• Completed
• Canceled
remains Remaining quantity
error Error description in case of an unsuccessful request

- Example request:


- Example response:

    "cancel": "ok"

- The method returns an object containing the following fields:

Field Value
cancel Cancellation status (ok)
error Error description in case of an unsuccessful request

- Example request:


- Example response:

    "refill": "123"

- The method returns an object containing the following fields:

Field Value
refill ID of the created refill
error Error description in case of an unsuccessful request
auth error
no money
not found
action unknown
service null
link null
qnt null
limit min
limit max
is not available
qnt is not a multiple of 10/100/1000
is already running
is not link to the post
is not full link
is not login
link incorrect
account is private
thematics forbidden
black list
invalid character
order completed
cancel not available
order in progress
date expired
can refill after 24 hours
refill not available